Poem/rap on being positive during difficult times.

When you’re on a bumpy road, something on your mind’s a load.

Just chill and remember that you got your bro’s.

 Got an important call and they put you on hold,

Grab all your worries for me and give it a throw. 


Just chill, sit back, relax, don’t even worry cause someones got your back.

When a lot happens, just let it go, the past is past, yeah everybody knows. 


When life’s dragging you round, your families pulling you down, lock yourself away, feeling like you’re shutting down. 

You know that something hit, you feel like you don’t fit, everybody looking at you like you’re a little kid.


Just chill, sit back, relax, don’t even worry cause someones got your back.

When a lot happens just let it go, the past is past, yeah everybody knows…  Yeah.


Speech on Puberty.

Topic: The importance of adults understanding young people when they are going through puberty.


Why is it important for adults to understand young people when going through puberty? Adults went through the same thing themselves, and they know what it’s like. Becoming a young person comes really suddenly, experiencing different stages and things in life. When going through puberty there are ups and downs to it, and adults need to be understanding when it comes to this. It happens to everyone, not a single person on earth has not been through puberty. (I think)  If an adult doesn’t understand young people, who will? People going through puberty still need support from adults especially, they rely on adults because they have more experience. It doesn’t make any sense when adults don’t understand, they went through it themselves so they should teach, help, and support their children, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers or sisters anyone. Adults not understanding is complete and utter nonsense! 


Conclusion: The reason why adults should understand is so they can help, and support those who know nothing about puberty, this is why we learn about it at school or at home because us young people are new to this kind of stuff. Before we became young people, we didn’t care about anything, we were running around and playing, laughing at anything until puberty hit, everything changed and we are still learning. So that is why it is important for you adults to understand.

Keeping Ourselves Safe. (KOS)

Out in this dangerous world we need to be able to keep ourselves safe and prevent your loved ones from being harmed.


There are different types of abuse such as:

  • Sexual
  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Neglect
  • Finally cyber.

These types of abuse are the most harmful and common. These types of abuse can also lead to a major amount of stress, and this stress can lead into something even worse like suicide. When keeping ourselves safe it is important that we stay aware of these types of abuse and know how to identify if you are in trouble or if someone else is.


If you have been abused in any way and are feeling upset, know that it is okay to talk to someone instead of keeping it bottled up inside you, in fact if you do that it  could make you feel worse. Talking to someone you trust like your parents, teachers, friends can help you a lot.


If you finish work at night and decide to walk home, it is really important to keep aware and alert, especially if you are carrying vulnerable items. When walking alone at night keep your vulnerable items and your phone close to your body and walk towards the traffic lights. If you also notice someone is following you, look ahead and walk briskly, cross the street or road to make sure they are actually following you. If they do follow you go to the nearest place where people are, then call 111 and ask for the police. Make sure you don’t panic and act calmly.


If you find yourself being attacked try to escape and call 111 for the police. Unless it is really necessary to use force, try to move away and avoid them. Then call the police and give them an accurate description of the situation. You are allowed to defend yourself but it needs to be reasonable. 

“Everyone is justified in using , in the defence of himself or another, such as, in the circumstances as he believes them to be, it is reasonable to use.” Section 48 criminals act 1916.

Meaning you are allowed to defend yourself, but remember self defence is to protect yourself not to get revenge if you do, you are basically committing a crime.


Keeping ourselves safe is really important for our well being and for ourselves so make sure to keep safe and remember that it is okay to reach out to others. THE END.


Reading Learn Tasks

Learn Tasks


What is a Sunsmart school in NZ?

A sunsmart school is a school where they learn how to protect themselves from the sun. Using the slip, slap, slop and wrap guidelines.

Why is it important for schools in NZ to teach students about being sunsmart?

Because in NZ skin cancer is most common and it is really hot in summer. And also because of the tear in the Ozone layer above NZ.

How many schools in NZ are sunsmart schools?

There are around 500 NZ sunsmart schools. 

What behaviour are sunsmart schools trying to teach their students?

To wear sun hats, to apply sunscreen or to stay in the shade if you don’t have a hat.

What must a sunsmart school address to be accredited as a sunsmart school? 

They must follow the slip, slap, slop, and wrap guidelines, have as much shade as possible to protect those who don’t have hats, and educate students about UV protection.

What does a sunsmart school in NZ receive for their efforts to promote being sunsmart?

Some sunsmart schools receive certificates for being sunsmart and posters.

Further reading: What are shade structures in schools?

A shade structure is a temporary, permanent roof, or a covering made with supporting plants or vines which is to provide shelter from the heat of the sunlight. 


Biography on William Hobson

All About William Hobson.

William Hobson was born in Ireland, 26 September 1792. He is the third eldest out of the five sons of Samuel Hobson. Before his 10th birthday he joined the Royal Navy. Moving on as a class volunteer at Deptford London, on 25 August 1803. His first service was on La Virginie, he worked under a man named Sir John Beresford or Lord John Beresford. William became a midshipman in April 1806 while serving the West Indies. William Hobson took part in the suppression of the piracy in the West Indies. In 1821 he and his crew were captured by pirates but was released after a week of ill treatment. In July 1823 William Hobson was again captured by the pirates but made an amazing escape and returned to his service in the West Indies. The chief of the pirates who had captured him and his crew was routed and driven to his death. In 1824 he was promoted as a commander by a man named Sir Edward Owen. He visited the Bahamas and met Eliza Elliot; they got happily married in Nassau around December 1827, they were promised one son and four daughters. 19 January 1840 Hobson sailed on the Herald and arrived at the Bay of Islands on the 29th January. On 30th of January, Hobson read the Queen’s commision making him lieutenant governor. Invitations were sent out to Maori leaders to a meeting at Waitangi, meanwhile Busby and Hobson were drafting the treaty. On the 5th of February, the meeting was held in front of Busby’s house. The next day Hobson received signatures from over 40 Maori leaders and 26 who had previously signed the 1835 Declaration of Independence. Hobson warned his interpreter that the Maori would lose their lands to untrustworthy Europeans, he then reassured the Maori that the Queen would protect their lands; 56 Maori chiefs signed after that. Hobson grew ill due to a stroke but unfortunately died at 12:15 am after having another one.